Saturday, September 6, 2008

Polar Opposites part 2 - Finding Common Ground

Week 2, 3rd Post

In revisiting Chapter 4, I think the author rounded out the chapter with a great topic to round out the second week: Common Ground.

Griffin devised a chart where each quantitative theory has a parallel qualitative one. Some of them were a stretch, but it gave me a glimpse that the two ends of the communication spectrum can live in harmony and even thrive off of one another. One cannot live without the other.

I have always been a dreamer and completely bought into the notion that you can achieve anything you can dream. I've proven myself right on a couple of occasions, which fuels my future dreams. However, no matter how big or intricate my dreams might be, the most efficient way to achieve them is to 1) decide what I want, 2) CREATE MEASURABLE STEPS, and 3) take the first step!

Anytime I get one of my big ideas and I set off without a plan, it may not fail completely, but it will most definitely be a road with a lot of potholes. My dad is the objective one between the two of us, I operate mostly out of gut feeling. He has taught me the value of quantifiable steps to achieving a task.

Being objective is something I have to practice, it takes effort to make my dreams quantifiable. On the other side of the coin, I know there are a lot of people with an affinity towards the quantifiable aspects in life with zero imagination whatsoever. We need each other.

But as I mentioned in my post "Polar Opposites," it starts with the big idea, then resorts to finding a way to make it a reality. It takes an almost blind ignorance to accomplish some dreams. If we always gauged our dreams on quantifiable probability, nothing great would ever get accomplished - few risks would ever be taken. We would give up before we began. It must start with the idea and the passion. Is passion quantifiable? I don't think so.

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