Saturday, November 15, 2008

Chapter 35 - Muted Group Theory

This was another eye opening chapter, to again put myself in the shoes of others. Its fascinating that our language is inherently masculine and because of this men control discussion. Even acknowledging the women aren't on a "level playing field" illustrate how the use of language is male-driven in that the phrase is an athletic expression of competitive team sports.

As a guy, I don't even realize that our language is like this, I've been immersed in it so long that I don't know any different. When I take a step back and realize how much of our language discourages women from speaking out in a public setting I understand frustrations that women feel.

Even in the internet, women are subject to the technologically elite who are overwhelmingly male. The hope was that the internet would be a place where an equal voice could be heard, but the framers of the this technology have created it based on masculine standards which pose another hurdle.

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