Friday, November 14, 2008

Chapter 34 - Standpoint theory

I enjoyed reading about standpoint theory and the author's points about gender viewpoints and women's lives.

I think about life in general and putting ourselves in the shoes of others and seeking to understand their standpoint rather than only our own. It is so easy to get wrapped up in our own lives adn forget that our actions have direct effect on those around us. Maybe good, maybe bad, but always an effect. When you realize the perspective of others I think it gives us a wiser point of view. Not so narrow minded. Our own universe isn't as small as we think when we see through the lives of others. Everyone has a story, everyone has a job to do, everyone has an agenda, and everyone has hopes, dreams, fears. One of the great things about understanding Communication is that it provides perspective for the way we live our lives. All of a sudden we see what humans go through in an effort to understand and be understood.

This chapter was one of those chapters that gives great perspective and insight about the lives of others and again allows to see through the eyes of others.

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