Saturday, October 4, 2008

Chapter 18 - The big picture

I like the way Chapter 18 ends, where Griffin brings it all home with a common sense idea of what we should take away from all of this. On p. 244, the comparison of different types of people sums it up best:
Some people make things happen.
Some people watch things happen.
Some people have things happen to them.
Som people don't even know things are happening.

Then, he encourages us to Step up from a passive role to having an active voice within your group.

I couldn't agree more with his words of wisdom. Especially during this time of the election, and as we as students move on to bigger and better things. Employers definitely do not want a passive, meek person to fill the needs of a company. Even if you don't have an employer and are going the entrepreneurial route this applies all the more.

This chapter came across a bit dry to me, so I'm glad I ran into these last words to put it in perspective. In the last paragraph of the chapter on page 245, Griffin concludes "Adaptive structuration theory may not be playful, but it holds out the satisfying promise that every group member can be a player in the process of what the group creates."

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