Saturday, September 20, 2008


Berger's axiomatic theory is very in depth and thorough, capturing the way we interact within ourselves based on the cues of others. In short, it is intense! As I read each axiom, I caught myself saying for each one "I do that." When I was finished reading all 8 axioms and thought about how much information Berger covered, then I was amazed that we do all of this in a matter of seconds. Our cues come at us instantaneously and we react/adjust just as fast.

I thought the differing perspective of William Gudykunst and his Anxiety/Uncertainty Management theory was interesting also, that we seek for "effective communication rather than closeness or relational satisfaction." I wonder if each theory has its place. When I am speaking to an audience or speaking up in class, the goal is definitely clear communication. When I am 1 on1 with someone, I think relational closeness is the goal.

I think in the end we all have a goal of communicating clearly so we are properly understood, and to do so in a manner where our anxiety or uncertainty level is is at the lowest level possible. No one likes to feel awkward. Its crazy that we go through all these mental gymnastics without knowing it to reach our goal.

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